Bilateral Visa Agreement

A Bilateral Visa Agreement: What it Means for International Travel

International travel is an exciting prospect for many people, but the logistics of obtaining a visa can be daunting. A bilateral visa agreement can simplify the process, making it easier for citizens of two countries to travel between them. In this article, we’ll explore what a bilateral visa agreement is, how it works, and what benefits it offers.

What is a bilateral visa agreement?

A bilateral visa agreement, or BVA, is an agreement between two countries that allows their citizens to travel between them without a visa or with a simplified visa process. BVAs typically cover stays of a limited duration, such as 90 days or six months, and may be limited to certain types of travel, such as tourism or business.

How does a bilateral visa agreement work?

A BVA typically involves reciprocal arrangements, meaning that the citizens of both countries are eligible for the same visa privileges. For example, if Country A and Country B enter into a bilateral visa agreement, citizens of Country A would be able to travel to Country B without a visa and vice versa.

BVAs may involve specific requirements for eligibility, such as having a valid passport or proof of sufficient funds to support oneself during the duration of the stay. Additionally, BVAs may require that travelers meet certain conditions, such as not engaging in work or study while in the host country.

What are the benefits of a bilateral visa agreement?

BVAs offer several benefits to both countries and their citizens. For countries, BVAs can promote trade, tourism, and cultural exchange. For citizens, BVAs can simplify the visa process and reduce the costs and time required to obtain a visa. Additionally, BVAs can make it easier for people to visit family and friends, attend conferences or events, or explore new destinations.

Some examples of countries that have BVAs in place include Canada and Mexico, the United States and Chile, and China and Cambodia. These agreements have helped to facilitate travel between these countries, making it easier and more accessible for citizens to visit one another.


In summary, a bilateral visa agreement is an agreement between two countries that simplifies the visa process for citizens traveling between them. BVAs offer benefits to both countries and their citizens, including increased trade, tourism, and cultural exchange. If you are planning to travel internationally, it’s worth researching whether your destination has a BVA in place and what the requirements are to take advantage of it.