Ceta Agreement Procurement

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is a trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Canada. The CETA agreement aims to boost trade between Canada and the EU by allowing businesses to access new markets and lowering tariffs on goods and services.

One of the key provisions of the CETA agreement is its procurement chapter, which covers government procurement. This chapter addresses the conditions under which EU and Canadian businesses can bid for public contracts in each other`s markets. The procurement chapter is designed to provide a level playing field for EU and Canadian businesses, and ensure that they have equal access to public procurement opportunities in Canada and the EU.

The procurement chapter of the CETA agreement is based on the principles of transparency, non-discrimination, and fair and open competition. It requires EU and Canadian procuring entities to publish their procurement notices and tender documents in a timely and transparent manner, and to give equal treatment to all bidders, regardless of their nationality.

Furthermore, the procurement chapter of the CETA agreement establishes a dispute settlement mechanism, which allows businesses to challenge procurement decisions that they believe violate the principles of transparency, non-discrimination, and fair and open competition. This mechanism provides a way for businesses to seek redress if they believe that they have been unfairly excluded from a public procurement process.

The CETA agreement procurement chapter also includes provisions on sustainable procurement, which encourages procuring entities to take into account social, environmental, and ethical considerations when procuring goods and services. This means that when procuring goods and services, procuring entities should consider factors such as the social and environmental impact of the product or service, the working conditions of the suppliers, and the use of child or forced labor in the supply chain.

In conclusion, the procurement chapter of the CETA agreement provides a framework for fair and open competition between EU and Canadian businesses in public procurement processes. By promoting transparency, non-discrimination, and sustainable procurement, it creates a level playing field for businesses and ensures that taxpayers` money is spent in an efficient and effective manner. Businesses should take advantage of the opportunities provided by the CETA agreement procurement chapter to access new markets and expand their business.