Canada Guatemala Free Trade Agreement

The Canada-Guatemala Free Trade Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview

Since the inception of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994, Canada has been actively involved in international trade agreements. One such agreement that has been in place since 2001 is the Canada-Guatemala Free Trade Agreement (CGFTA).

The CGFTA was signed on July 5, 2001, and came into effect on July 1, 2006. The agreement aims to promote economic growth and diversification in both Canada and Guatemala by reducing trade barriers between the two countries. The CGFTA is a comprehensive agreement that covers a wide range of areas including trade in goods, services, and investment.

Trade in Goods

The CGFTA eliminates tariffs on a wide range of products traded between Canada and Guatemala. These products include agricultural goods, seafood, industrial goods, and forestry products. The tariff elimination allows Canadian businesses to export their products to Guatemala at lower costs, making them more competitive in the Guatemalan market.

Trade in Services

The CGFTA also includes provisions for the liberalization of trade in services. This allows service providers from both countries to provide services in each other`s markets without facing unnecessary barriers. This includes services such as financial services, telecommunications, and professional services.


The CGFTA also includes provisions for the protection of investments made by Canadian businesses in Guatemala. The agreement provides for non-discriminatory treatment of Canadian investors and their investments, and ensures that they are protected from expropriation, nationalization, or other similar measures.

Benefits of the CGFTA

The CGFTA provides many benefits to both Canada and Guatemala. For Canada, the agreement provides access to new markets and enables Canadian businesses to compete more effectively in the Guatemalan market. For Guatemala, the CGFTA provides access to Canadian technology and expertise, which can help to stimulate economic growth and increase diversification.


The Canada-Guatemala Free Trade Agreement is a comprehensive agreement that covers a wide range of areas including trade in goods, services, and investment. The agreement provides significant benefits to both Canada and Guatemala, and has helped to increase bilateral trade and investment between the two countries. As the world economy becomes increasingly interconnected, trade agreements such as the CGFTA are essential tools for promoting economic growth and development.