Signalled Agreement 6 Letters Crossword

If you`re a crossword enthusiast, you might have come across the clue “signalled agreement” in a six-letter crossword puzzle. The answer to this clue is “nodded,” which is a simple yet effective way of indicating agreement or approval.

But why do we use the term “signalled agreement” instead of just saying “agreed”? The key here is in the word “signalled,” which suggests some form of non-verbal communication. In this case, it refers to the act of nodding one`s head to indicate agreement or approval.

Interestingly, nodding is a universal gesture that transcends language barriers and cultural differences. It`s a non-verbal way of saying “yes” or “I agree” that is recognized and understood by people all over the world. This is why nodding is often used in situations where verbal communication is not possible or appropriate, such as in a noisy environment or during a solemn ceremony.

In addition to nodding, there are other non-verbal cues that can be used to signal agreement. These include smiling, thumbs up, and even vocalizations like “mm-hmm” or “uh-huh.” These cues are particularly useful in situations where verbal communication is difficult or limited.

In the context of a crossword puzzle, the use of “signalled agreement” is a clever way of making the clue more challenging and interesting. It requires the puzzler to think outside the box and consider non-verbal forms of communication. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of non-verbal cues in everyday communication.

In summary, the clue “signalled agreement” in a six-letter crossword puzzle refers to the act of nodding one`s head to indicate agreement or approval. This non-verbal gesture is a universal form of communication that is recognized and understood by people all over the world. So the next time you come across this clue, think beyond the obvious and consider the power of non-verbal cues in everyday communication.